Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Chicken Shit

That's what I needed to find for my secret soil formula for my garden-to-be. I searched at OSH (no more) then Home Depot (you want what?) and then finally found the final four bags at Anawalt Lumber.

The gardening man said people are going crazy planting this year. Everyone is planting--including those who have never gardened before--like me. But I got my chicken manure, and all the rest of my soil, and carried it on my back up 90 stairs to the top of our garden--with some help from Jonathan.

Then Jonathan trimmed our giant weed of a tree in back and made some light for our garden boxes, and it is starting to look ready. It is a secret place, hidden away, where only the hardiest of visitors will be able to go--and even then, only if they have the right foot-wear. (Hiking boots, preferably)

But it is in, and it looks great. So far we have all pitched in and our daily loads of compost are going up to the composter. Every day the boys look in and say "It looks the same." Still, I confess there is a wonderful feeling to taking your organic trash, and knowing it is going to make your garden grow. I am part of the circle of life.

The boys are excited. The other morning Theo ran to the top of the garden with his backpack before school to check progress.

This weekend the plants go in...


jecca said...

This is the answer to chicken shit
or this http://www.omlet.co.uk/products_services/ And you even get eggs too... and somewhere to put the bacon rinds that can't go into the compost!

Paige Orloff said...

Jessica's right. But if you're not ready for the poultry plunge, I could always ship you a v. stinky box...