Thursday, May 19, 2011

Three Things

Here are three small things that never, ever fail to bring me joy.

1) FRESH VEGGIES: My farmer's market basket that arrives at school every Wednesday filled with fresh, local produce of the season. "Benji, Theo and vegetables," the principle says into her walkie-talkie in the car-pool lane. I dig in, inhale the dirt and green and fruit, and then I put my hand into the produce grab bag like a pirate to see what surprises, what treasures lie within.

2) HARUKI MURAKAMI: Every time I pick up one of his books, and disappear into his strange, bizaare Japanese detective novel/psychological thriller/journey into the unconscious novels I am thrilled and all my love of life, of mystery, of Japan, is restored. He never, ever lets me down. For me, he is the perfect novelist.

3) MY BOYS: Watching them go down the steps in the morning, their backpacks on their backs--Theo gripping his wand and the Harry Potter tome du jour, Benji just skipping, checking his strawberry plants, and looking at the sky. Then all of them piling into the little red mini with Jonathan like clowns, and zooming off down the road listening to the Beatles and doing math challenges in the car.


jecca said...

Oooh, which book is he on now? Ruth loved them. They could have a skype bookclub. Oriana heard there was a film version (she loves television) and was gutted when I told her that she wouldn't be allowed to watch it till after she'd read it... those books still look pretty daunting when you can't read!

Ilaria said...

he's on the last pages of the last one. after this, no more. i have tried to hold him back, to force him to savor, but he cannot be stopped and so here comes the end. literally in 15 minutes.

jecca said...

Oh, I think we have finished them too.. we are down to the last few books on our shelves and I don't think HP is on the "yet to read" shelf. Where next? Ruth did love Nancy Drew. Her teacher recommended Artemis Fowl - has Theo read those yet???