The other day Benji, first grade, had a fun assignment. Come up with a name for yourself, and say why. They were looking for He-who-runs-to-the-top-of-the-mountain, or He-who-eats-spinach, or He-who-scores-goals. Something Indian-ish. Instead, Benji wrote, "I wish my name were Eliot, because it would be fun."
He has never known an Eliot, met an Eliot, seen an Eliot. How did he even come up with it?
Jonathan poitned out he actually has a half uncle (who none of us have ever met) named Eliot.
i have been wondering about it for two days. Where did it come from? And why?
October 23
9 years ago
Ruth entertains Oriana by being a robot: I am Eliot. I am a robot. She says as she gets dressed with a robotic voice with robotic actions. Oriana loves it. (Mostly because Eliot is a robot so Eliot does what she's instructed to do.) They do know an Eliot at school, but they never talk about him so I have no idea why they chose that name.
that is bizaare. is there some secret robot show that we do not know about that kids do--and eliot is sweeping hte nation????
My children are show-deprived, so probably not that! Both my girls have at various times and quite independently of each other renamed themselves Alice. Why?? Oh look - it must be the manga deep in their DNA
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