Monday, January 2, 2012

Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!

To all of you who do not speak Japanese: Happy New Year!

If you are here I love you, and I thank you for your presence in my life, the gift of your attention in a distracted world.

I had an amazing year. A hard year. A rewarding year. A year of massive change. I know everyone did. At a New Year's Eve party the other night someone called 2011 a two, a zero and two middle fingers. Wow. Mine was not THAT bad.

There are years of crazy change and discrete goals and achievement, of catapulting and shooting to new places and aiming for things you have never done like an arrow sailing towards a target. Then there are years where you maintain, not coasting, but shifting, improving, upping the quality and the ante, being better. I think this year will be that for me. I hope. It is a "be better" year. It is a year to look deep inside and remember the big, long-term goals and slowly shift the Hilary Mother ship back on course.

Here is what I aim for. Not resolutions, exactly, just a roadmap:

To start VoxHollywood (twitter account officially launched today. I can do 160 characters a couple of times a week--I know I can). To manage my monkeymind and stay steady. To do a yoga workshop with Rod Stryker, itinerant yoga guru extraordinaire. To go to England and find the Family Castle. To get better at my job, and to make a difference for the kids of Los Angeles. To grow a great garden. To get a dog. To support my husband. To learn to play the guitar well. To eat more plants. To buy veggies in a bag from school again--and start the program myself if I have to. To make time for friends, and to love them and support them. To dance. A lot. To nurture my boys and enjoy them and spot their unique talents and foster and see and support them. To paint with oils. To save money to take my boys to Naples. To publish four stories somewhere (and my blog does not count) for money. To try to start a book--to be open to any type--to have a project like that. To write and write and write for my life.

You? What do you want to do?


jecca said...

"A journey around my name"... you are an inspirational travel writer and it would be a whacky and interesting way to travel.... and you know I know what's best for you!

Lani said...

Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu back to you! Sounds like a very exciting year ahead. Let me know if you want one of your published stories to be about sustainable seafood ;-) And you need to shamelessly promote your twitter handle. Mine's @FishSource

Ilaria said...

Lani--let' talk sustainable seafood stories. Seriously. I would love to pitch a story like that somewhere. Maybe we can talk this week...and I will follow you @fishsource. I am @voxhollywood. Diving in slowly. I love how it makes you feel like you are doing something, when you are doing almost nothing.