Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What IS My Message?

Yesterday in yoga class my teacher threw out a phrase of Ghandi's that stuck in my brain all night and all day: my life is my message. Brilliant. I found his words grabbed me and centered me. Today, all day, for every little task I did, I THIS my message? Is THIS? If every action you take, every word you utter, everything you say and do is your message, what am I trying to say?

Those simple, clear words refocused me on what I want to matter. Not just what defines success--which I am finding more and more confusing these days--but if I had to distill my life to one message, or three, what would I want to tell humanity? What would I want to tell my friends? What would I want to tell my husband? And most of all, what would I want to pass on to my boys? 

I am a woman of too many words. But I hope that here, in my blog, still secret for now, I can begin discovering my message. I hope that as you read through it, and me, too, that as I recount my thoughts and stories and ideas, that my message will accumulate, take shape, and appear, here in the blogosphere. So that is the topic of my question from Ghandi...for me, and for you. If my life IS my message, what do I want to say?????? What do YOU want to say? 

1 comment:

Ilaria said...

Your life is our message!