Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Anatomy of a Mommy

I was lying in a small tent this weekend, wriggling out of my pajamas and into my bathing suit while Benji, nearly 4, and very curious, looked on.

Benji: Why do you have hair down there instead of a penis?
Me: (Oh Dear...not prepared right now for this question) Because I am a girl. A woman. Only boys have penises.
Benji: How do you go to the bathroom?
Me: The same way you do.
Benji: But does the pee pee come out of your booty?
Me: No. I have a vagina, and there is a hole, just like in your penis, to let the pee pee out.
Benji: Just like in my penis?
Me: Yes.
Benji: Oh.


jecca said...

And the female equivalent conversation, from Ruth, a couple of years ago, legs akimbo and holding on lest it escape before she can demonstrate her find... "Look, Daddy, I have a willy too, but it's really REALLY small."

Ilaria said...

i like the girl version even better...