Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Today my son performed in a circus show after 10 weeks of classes with Clown Julia. At 3:00 his after school classmates and a bunch of parents gathered in the assembly room. After much scurrying and bustling and stomping and whispering and peeking out, the velvet curtains opened and the show began! Theo whirled ribbons artistically like a Chinese gymnast, walked on (low) stilts, and spun plates on sticks (plastic, because a lot of them fell down, a lot). He peddled across the stage at high speed with his arms out wide on a mini unicycle contraption (almost shooting over the edge), and balanced a peacock feather on his hand, his arm and his nose. He wore a huge mad-hatters hat and pranced around the stage like a true performer, dropping his plates and ribbons when his classmates cheered and called his name.

I forgot my camera and tried to shoot blurry seven second video clips with my phone, but alas they are unusable. I befriended a Dad who promised to send me some of his iPhone fotos by tomorrow.

Stay tuned, circus fans!!!

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