Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Prayer or a Thought

Today Jonathan talked to an old friend. He and his wife are two of the boldest, bravest, most interesting people we know. They live in Paris. They just found out their nine-year-old son has cancer. It started with a limp. It is a rare form of neuro-blastoma and has metastasized through his body. He has a 50% chance of survival. We met him two years ago. He was a beautiful, dreamy boy with a mop of brown hair and huge brown eyes. He was incredibly sweet to our boys. Though his parents are American, he was more French.

He is doing chemo, radiation, having his bones flushed with stem cells and has a port in his body. Jonathan said he felt dizzy. I feel sick at heart.

If you believe in God, or anything, pray for this boy, that he will be OK, that his parents will be OK, and that his older sister, a magical girl in her own right, will be OK.

1 comment:

jecca said...

That is so awful. Their lives always seemed so charmed. I guess that's the think about diseases and cancers... they strike without a care. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. x