Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Successful People

Successful people get up early.

It just seems to be true. They get up and meditate. They get up and jog five miles. They get up and quietly, over a cup of coffee, figure out what they want to achieve that day. It seems to be even more true for mothers. Because there is no other time when you have the world truly all to yourself. Michelle Obama got up at 4:30 to work out. Kristin Elson, principal of LCW, gets up at 5:30, to have an hour alone before her son gets up. Steve Lopez (LA Times columnist, and author of the Soloist, soon to be released as a movie starring Jamie Foxx and Robert Downie Junior) got up every morning at 5 to write before going to work to write columns for the paper. Trollope's mother got up at 4 a.m. to write stories before taking care of her entire family and doing her regular job.

But me, I just can't seem to get up in the morning. By genetic predisposition I am a night owl. I prefer to sleep late, have only coffee for breakfast, live my day, and stay up late. But children change all that. Now I have to get up early, and I do. There is no time to work during the day. And at night I am too tired to work, no matter how determined I am all day.

That leaves the morning. The very early, very wee, very sleepy hours.

Once I am up I am great. I am alert. I am sharp.

I just can't seem to lift myself from under those warm cozy covers and BEGIN.

I set my alarm. I make lists the night before of what I will do when I rise before dawn. But all I do is irritate my husband by setting my alarm at 6 every morning and not getting up. And then feeling bad about myself for not getting up AGAIN!

Are early morning risers just more successful people? Can I train myself to get up early? Does this mean I just don't want it badly enough? How can I carve out the time? How can I get up early?

Does anyone, anyone out there have any advice?


SQUIDLY said...

I can call you when Steve's alarm goes off at 4am for work! I keep meaning to get up and use that time myself...meditate, read scripts, work on photo projects... and yet, I don't. Maybe a wake up instead of workout buddy is required! :)

alix said...

I can get up and work out before David leaves for work and kids wake up if I plan to go with a friend. We leave at 5:45 am to work out and are back by 7am. I WILL get out of bed if I know she is counting on me to pick her up or I am being picked up by her. Have not managed once to work out early if I'm doing it alone. Accountability to someone else - it's the only way....