Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dangerous Freckle: Gone!

This morning I had a small, scary misshapen freckle on my toe removed. Probably not a melanoma, probably not even a pre-melanoma, and not very big at all (sorry, no photos will be provided). Still, I had put off removal for a year. The time had come to get the thing taken off. EVen if it is the middle of the summer and all I want to do is play in the ocean every day. I am banned from swimming for at least 10 days.

Surgery was painless. The doc shaved it off and then put my floating freckle into a vial. I have to do oral And topical antibiotics for 10 days and the antibiotic may make me itch and will definitely make me burn more easily in the sun.

Toes are the slowest thing to heal because they are furthest from the heart.

10 days til I can re-enter my element.

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