Thursday, September 10, 2009

Why This Matters

Tomorrow we leave for San Francisco so I can swim with the sharks--and brave my way across from Alcatraz. I am nervous. Quite nervous. But also tremendously excited.

This is why this matters to me:

1) It feels so good to be strong again. I work out lightly--the way you should to prevent serious health problems. But I rarely work out hard, consistently and for a serious goal. To feel my body become strong again, my stroke become smooth, and to realize that my body truly is happiest--even at 42--to be working out really really hard, well, it is a fabulous thing.

2) I love that my boys will see me do this macho event. May they marry strong, bold, adventurous women (who love the ocean!!)!

3) I am doing something unforgettable with an aunt I adore who has inspired me from afar all my life. To do this with her means more to me than I could have anticipated. I cannot wait to leap off the ferry with her.

But most of all

4) Doing this race--daring to do it -- is like reclaiming an old, bold, adventurous, pre-Mommy part of myself. Most of my adventures now are small, private and internal. It doesn't mean they aren't important, but they mostly matter only to me. How glorious to do something dangerous and scary and BIG. If I die, it will be dramatic. And if I make it, well, for me that will be dramatic, too. I miss that!

Do you ever long for the old, bold, adventurous you?

How do you keep her satisfied?


mitch said...

I am so proud of you, excited for you, inspired by you and moved that you are doing this with your aunt.

I hope someday Theo and Benji invite me to their weddings and we toast to their marrying bold adventurers.

I have to think about your questions.


jecca said...

We are thinking of you from afar (so few overseas competitors... Ian should have joined you). And don't forget, you're signed up with Oriana in 30 years so stay strong! Good luck. x

Squidly said...

safe journey my friend.
as you are like to say to others:


Lani said...

Swim, swim! Safe journey Hilary - what an adventure!