I am always astounded by what we pick up from each other without ever exchanging a word.
Of course that is true with those we love the most, where every gesture is loaded with meaning.
But I am more amazed by what we pick up, and put out, and is never formally acknowledged, but EVERYBODY knows. And in this case I mean with people we know less well.
For the last month and a half I was wholly and completely focused on my writing. Every waking moment, if I was not writing I was thinking about writing, interviewing for writing, blogging, pitching, rewriting. I was completely and wholly dedicated. I did not talk about it much. I just did it.
Jonathan backed up and made space, supported, helped. I did my thing.
When NANOWRIMO ended on Monday I told myself I could have a week to rest and regroup. To fantasize, to open up, to rest, and to prepare and plot for the next round of whatever it is I am trying to do. This week, I told myself, was to love, to eat, to help out, to think about the holidays.
Suddenly, out of the blue, I got a raft of requests for playdates and pickups and help from other mamas. I am happy to do it now, because this week I can, and someday I will ask back. But more amazing to me is what these women (who I like, but do not know deeply) picked up from me. Somehow when I was focused people backed up and made space for me and my work, when I open up again, that is out there, too. She is available. She can help.
No larger conclusions here. Just, it makes you think about every little thing we put out there. We all feel everything. And it guides us, and those around us, even if, in our culture, we do not acknowledge that power.
Do you believe this is true? Do you believe in the subtle energy? Or is it all too New Agey to be believed?
Tell me, dear readers.
October 23
9 years ago
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