Saturday, February 7, 2009

Two Little Fishies

I love the water, and I am committed to making my boys love water, too. Theo can boogie board like a maniac (and has been able to since 3!) and Benji tries to submerge in the bathtub. Last year I invested in private swimming lessons for Theo because he had plateaued completely in the Y swimming program. For two years he never improved. After that I took a break.
This past week I signed them up again at the Y.
After a six month hiatus I was astounded. I looked up to see Benji leaping off the ledge and paddling half way across the pool underwater to his new swim instructor. And I was on the elliptical and I looked out and saw Theo backstroking ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE DEEP POOL!!! He came stroking back freestyle!
He had never done anything like this in his life. Afterwards I asked him how he had gotten better without swimming for six months. He said sometimes at night he lies in bed and imagines himself swimming. And he said he thinks that is how he got better.
My sweet little Olympian! How did he know about visualization? That what he did is the time-honored practice of great athletes?

So cool.


jecca said...

In another 15 years you will be a real mother duck as you do the Alcatraz swim... I will be send along my two little fish too (isn't the backstroke thing funny? None of the teachers the girls have had ever suggest it but Ruth just set off across the pool one day when we got back from yours doing great backstroke!)

jecca said...

While I was baking a cake yesterday, Oriana was sitting on the side whirling her arms. I asked her if she was dancing. "No. I simmin'."