These plump girls are my tomatoes--mostly--with a few thrown in from my gardening mentor and muse, Jill.
Last night our entire meal was made of food harvested by me in our garden, or given to me by friends, from their gardens.
We had zucchini pasta, with my zucchinis, and Sarah's. Salad of my golden tomatoes that taste like candy, my yellow cucumber that knocked my socks off with its vinegary, salty, sweet flavor, and gorgeous misshapen red heirlooms from Jill. Basil from our herb garden to top it all off.
I have read of the joy of harvesting your own food, and I believed. Still, it is hard to convey the deep satisfaction that comes with eating food grown and harvested by you and hours, with gifts from friends thrown in. Yes, of course it tastes better.
But more than that, it is as if each vegetable is filled with love and care and compassion and attention.
I swear you can taste it.
I know I am late to the "grow-your-own-vegetable" party, with Theo and Jill tutoring me and encouraging me, but WOW!
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