who would you be? I ask this question because last week I picked up an Evolve magazine in front of the Bodhi Tree and there was an interview of Sark. I love Sark. She is corny and way out, but she makes me happy. And in her loopy watercolors and happy pages I find great truths. So there.
As I read her interview, about a new book she has coming out about writing, I realized she reminded me of my friend Jo. It is as if they are of the same genetic material. They are both optimistic and deep, searchers and smilers, hustlers and happy-go-lucky types. And so much more. Jo is a teacher, now, not a Sark. But if someone secretly dropped her into Sark's life and said live it, as if it is yours, she could pull it off.
Anyway, the whole experience got me to thinking, What artist that I love and admire, shares my genetic material? Who would I be, if I had to be one of them? And when I say this, I do not mean who do you wish you could be, I mean, when you read or hear or see this person you recognize a part of yourself.
For me, those two people are George Sand and Mary Wollstonecraft. (If you don't know her, look her up all you non-Feminists!) I might throw in Georgia O'Keefe if I weren;t so scared of the cliche. I admire the woman, in addition to her art. I love her New York life and her New Mexico life. And I could see myself living in an adobe home walking the hills inviting beautiful young men in to stay with me. But I digress...
Who are you? Who would you be?
October 23
9 years ago
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