Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of the Union Picnic

We set up our MacGregor tartan tablecloth and set the table on the floor of the TV room.

We had a State of the Union picnic, and watched our president speak.

"There's Obama, there he is," they shouted, as he came down the aisle to the podium.

What is the economy? What is the government? Who is that man? Why do so many of the people look angry? What is a Democrat? What is a Republican? What is he talking about?&^%$$%???

I could barely answer and listen.

Still, I hope they remember. I hope they remember to listen, to care, to be informed, to take action.

1 comment:

jecca said...

And I thought you were going to say you marched round in kilts and saluted the haggis for Burn's night.